At The Beach Company we want to make sure your time spent by the water with friends & family is amazing. We bring you a quick guide with tips on how to prevent and issues while on holiday.

On The Plane
The air in an aircraft cabin is far drier than when on the ground so your face and body is likely to become dehydrated quicker. If you can face the flight without makeup it will do your skin the world of good. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the flight to keep you hydrated. Did you know that one alcoholic drink will affect your body exactly the same as two or three drinks on the ground? So be mindful with the booze.
In The Sun
Whether you’re jetting away to somewhere exotic or having a lovely staycation at your local hotel poolside, having the right sun protection is always important. Even if you’re sitting under a sun umbrella on the beach or sitting under a tree in a park, the ultraviolet radiation is still able to reflect off surfaces such as sand, water, grass and bounce onto your skin.

Layering up with SPF with a factor of 15 or higher is recommended as SPFs do a great job of protecting against UV rays and preventing sun burn. A good lip balm with SPF 15 or more is recommended to protect and nourish your lips from the effects of the sun.
It’s not just skin you should protect from the sun. Your eyes need protection too as sun damage to the eyes can occur anytime. Wear sunglasses that block UV rays and hats that will shade your face from the sun.
Mosquito Bites
Mosquitos are difficult to avoid when visiting a hot and humid country but there are ways to prevent being bitten repeatedly.
An insect repellent which is made to last up to 12 hours is highly recommended. Spray all over your body before getting dressed.
If you happen to get bitten whilst away, apply antihistamine cream to the affected areas as this will calm the reaction down, allowing you to feel comfortable and enabling you to continue enjoying your holiday.
Food Poisoning
The last thing you need is for your holiday to be ruined by sickness. Always wash your hands with soap and water before eating or drinking anything, to kill any bacteria that your hands may have picked up from outside. A good antibacterial hand sanitizer is always handy to carry in your handbag too. Avoid drinking tap water, this goes for ice in drinks too, avoid it. With foods, opt for freshly cooked dishes that have been served steaming hot. These simple precautions will help to prevent any illness whilst away, allowing you to enjoy your holiday to the max.